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Running Optimistic Oracle and EMP Bots

Quick Start: Optimistic Oracle Bot#

This section is intended for those who are familiar with Docker and just want to get up and running. The optimistic-oracle bot will propose and dispute prices with the Optimistic Oracle and is the most versatile and important bot in UMA's ecosystem. Advanced tutorials for ExpiringMultiParty bots (liquidator, disputer, and monitors) are included further down in the article, but these bots are not necessary for most use cases.

First, create a file to set the appropriate configuration for your optimistic-oracle bot. Please edit the following example with your own values.

PRIVATE_KEY=0xf7cbade2b9eec8fc83aa70e4b43f480d0ca78b7060737ead2669d095f2035322COMMON_PRICE_FEED_CONFIG='"commonPriceFeedConfig": {"cryptowatchApiKey": "abcd","tradermadeApiKey": "efg","quandlApiKey": "hijklmnop"}'COMMAND=yarn optimistic-oracle --network mainnet_privatekey

Once you have a properly configured .env file, use the following commands to pull the Docker image and run a container with your specified configuration.

# Pull the latest docker container imagedocker pull umaprotocol/protocol:latest
# Start the optimistic oracle bot Docker containerdocker run --name optimistic-oracle-bot -d --env-file ./example.env umaprotocol/protocol:latest# *your container hash should print here*
# List logs from running bot:docker logs <your container hash>

Your optimistic-oracle bot should now be running, please read on to find out about how it works and how to configure it.


The bots described below are infrastructure tools that help maintain the overall health of the UMA ecosystem. They can be very useful for project creators, synthetic token holders, and third-party keepers.

  • The optimistic-oracle bot (implementation) makes it easy to provide quick and accurate responses to price requests to the Optimistic Oracle, and to dispute incorrect price proposals.
  • The liquidator bot (implementation) liquidates undercollateralized positions in ExpiringMultiParty contracts.
  • The disputer bot (implementation) disputes incorrect liquidations of ExpiringMultiParty positions.
  • The monitors bot (implementation) can monitor synthetic prices, collateralization ratios, wallet balances, and other details that may be important to a user.

Incentives to Running an Optimistic Oracle Bot#

Contracts making a price request to the Optimistic Oracle may offer a proposerReward paid out to a price proposer, usually a keeper running an optimistic-oracle bot. Project creators may also expect to propose their own prices, in which case there may be no proposer reward, but running an optimistic-oracle bot can make their lives easier.

The optimistic-oracle bot will also automatically dispute any prices that appear to be different from the true price as calculated by the price feed, outside of a user-specified allowable margin of error. A dispute will trigger a vote on the actual price in the DVM. If UMA tokenholders vote in favor of the disputer, the disputer will earn the proposer's bond, which defaults to the collateral's final fee, but is often more, and can be increased or decreased by the price requestor.

Advanced Section: ExpiringMultiParty Bots#

The following sections cover the liquidator, disputer, and monitors bots for interacting with ExpiringMultiParty contracts.

Quick Start: Liquidator Bot#

This section is intended for those who are familiar with Docker and just want to get up and running. We strongly suggest you read the entirety of this article to learn more about the bot ecosystem which also includes a dispute bot as well as a monitoring bot.

First, create a file to set the appropriate configuration for your liquidation bot. Please edit the following example with your own values.

EMP_ADDRESS=0xFb70A4CBD537B36e647553C279a93E969b041DF0PRIVATE_KEY=0xf7cbade2b9eec8fc83aa70e4b43f480d0ca78b7060737ead2669d095f2035322COMMAND=yarn liquidator --network mainnet_privatekey

Once you have a properly configured .env file, use the following commands to pull the Docker image and run a container with your specified configuration.

# Pull the latest docker container imagedocker pull umaprotocol/protocol:latest
# Start the liquidator bot Docker containerdocker run --name liquidator-bot -d --env-file ./example.env umaprotocol/protocol:latest# *your container hash should print here*
# List logs from running bot:docker logs <your container hash>

Your liquidation bot should now be running, please read on to find out about how it works and how to configure it.

Liquidation vs Dispute Bot#

The liquidation bot monitors all open positions within a given ExpiringMultiParty contract and liquidates positions if their collateralization ratio, as inferred from off-chain information about the value of the price identifier, drops below a given threshold.

The dispute bot monitors all liquidations occurring within a given ExpiringMultiParty contract and initiates disputes against liquidations it deems invalid, as inferred from off-chain information about the value of the price identifier. A liquidation is invalid if a position was correctly collateralized at the time of liquidation.

In short, a liquidation bot is to liquidate under-collateralized positions while a dispute bot is used for disputing those liquidations if they incorrectly report a position as under-collateralized. Since a dispute is the only way a price request is triggered in the system, they are very important to the operation of the DVM.

Incentives to Running a Bot#

Details about liquidation and dispute rewards can be found here.


The liquidation and dispute bots are separate entities. Each has its own wallet and is designed to be be run independently of the other. This decouples dependencies between the bots to decrease the risk of one impacting the other. In production, it is suggested to run the bots within Docker containers to isolate the bots and to ensure a reproducible execution environment.

Technical Tutorial#

This tutorial will be broken down into three main sections:

  1. Running the bots directly from your host environment (no Docker) from the command line
  2. Running the bots within a dockerized environment from the official UMA Docker image
  3. Deploying bots to production in Google Cloud Compute

This tutorial will guide you through setting up an optimistic-oracle bot, as well as a liquidator and disputer to monitor an ExpiringMultiParty deployed on the Kovan test network. A verified version of the ExpiringMultiParty contract can be found on Kovan here. This contract is an ETHBTC synthetic, collateralized in Dai.


Before starting this tutorial you need to clone the repo, install the dependencies, and compile the smart contracts.

Linux users#

If you are using Linux, you may need to first install the following packages before yarn can complete properly:

make gcc libudev-dev g++ linux-headers-generic libusb-1.0-0

Note that libudev-dev, linux-headers-generic, and libusb-1.0-0 may have different names depending on your Linux distribution.

If you are not using Linux (or if you have installed the above), you can run the following to continue:

# Clone the repo and navigate into the protocol directorygit clone ./protocol
# Install dependenciesyarn
# Compile contractsyarn qbuild

Funding accounts#

Bots must be funded with currency to pay for proposer and disputer bonds, liquidations, and disputes. Specifically, if you want to run an Optimistic Oracle bot, you need to fund the wallet with 1) collateral currency to pay proposal and dispute bonds and DVM final fees and 2) Ether to pay transaction fees. If you want to run a liquidation bot, you need to fund the wallet with 1) synthetic tokens to close liquidated positions, 2) collateral currency to pay the DVM final fee, and 3) Ether to pay transaction fees. If you want to run a dispute bot, then this wallet should be funded with 1) collateral currency to pay dispute bonds and the DVM final fee and 2) Ether to pay transaction fees.

At a minimum, the account must have some ETH to pay gas for transactions executed during bot set up, otherwise the bots will crash. If the bots do not have collateral or synthetic tokens, they will not crash but they will not be able to propose and dispute prices with the Optimistic Oracle, or send liquidations or disputes for ExpiringMultiParty contracts.

Bot private key management#

All deployment configurations require a wallet mnemonic (or private key) to be injected into the bots enabling them to submit transactions to perform on-chain liquidations and disputes. You can either bring your own mnemonic from an existing wallet or generate a fresh one using the bip39 package installed within the UMA repo. If you have a wallet mnemonic already you can skip this section.

To generate a new mnemonic you can run the following:

node -e "console.log(require('bip39').generateMnemonic())"# your mnemonic should print here

You can then load this mnemonic into hardhat. To do this, set the mnemonic as an environment variable by running:

# Add the new mnemonic to your environment variables. Be sure to replace with your mnemonic.export MNEMONIC="sail chuckle school attitude symptom tenant fragile patch ring immense main rapid"
# Start the hardhat consoleyarn hardhat console --network kovan

You can now fund this wallet with the associated currency for the type of bot you want to run. To learn more about creating synthetic tokens to fund a liquidation bot see this tutorial.

Creating a price feed API key#

All bots require a price feed to inform their liquidation decisions. The bots will work fine without a key but free no account tier will run out of credits within a day. We recommend making a free account to ensure you have sufficient credits. The easiest price feed to integrate with is CryptoWatch. To create an API Key do the following:

  1. Create an account here.
  2. Generate an API key here.

Keep this key handy. You'll need it when configuring the bots.

You may also wish to create accounts with TraderMade and Quandl, but we will skip the API key set-up process for those data sources in this tutorial.

Running the bots locally#

This section describes running the optimistic-oracle, liquidator, and disputer bots locally from your machine without Docker or any complex execution environment. This is meant to be the simplest way possible to start up a bot.

a) Configuring environment To start a bot the first step is to configure the bots' configuration settings using environment variables. Optimistic Oracle bots require a COMMON_PRICE_FEED_CONFIG, while liquidation bots require a PRICE_FEED_CONFIG and EMP_ADDRESS. Both bots require a MNEMONIC. To set this up create a .env file in the root directory directory:

EMP_ADDRESS=0xDe15ae6E8CAA2fDa906b1621cF0F7296Aa79d9f1MNEMONIC=sail chuckle school attitude symptom tenant fragile patch ring immense main rapidPRICE_FEED_CONFIG='{"apiKey":"YOUR-CRYPTO-WATCH-API-KEY-HERE"}'COMMON_PRICE_FEED_CONFIG='{"cryptowatchApiKey":"YOUR-CRYPTO-WATCH-API-KEY-HERE"}'

The parameters above, as well as other optional parameters are explained in the appendix of this tutorial. Be sure to add in your mnemonic and your crypto watch API key. The parameter in the example above conform to UMIP-2's specification.

Note that the EMP_ADDRESS above currently refers to the ETHBTC synthetic token deployed on Kovan. The EMP refers to the ExpiringMultiParty financial contract used here.

Note also that you can leave out the EMP_ADDRESS and PRICE_FEED_CONFIG if you only plan to run an optimistic-oracle bot, or leave out the COMMON_PRICE_FEED_CONFIG.

b) Starting the bots

Now that your env is set up you can run the bot. Run the following command from the root directory to start the bots on Kovan:

yarn optimistic-oracle --network kovan_mnemonic

This will start the optimistic-oracle bot process using the network kovan and the wallet mnemonic. You should see the following output:

2020-05-22 08:39:42 [info]: {  "at": "OptimisticOracle#index",  "message": "OptimisticOracle proposer started 🌊",  "optimisticOracleAddress": "0xB1d3A89333BBC3F5e98A991d6d4C1910802986BC",  "pollingDelay": 60,  "errorRetries": 3,  "errorRetriesTimeout": 1,  "commonPriceFeedConfig": {    "cryptowatchApiKey": "abcdefg"  },  "optimisticOracleProposerConfig": {},  "oracleType": "Voting"}... Rest of bot startup logs and continuous health reports...

In a separate terminal you can start a liquidator bot using the same config by running:

yarn liquidator --network kovan_mnemonic

You should see the following output:

2020-05-22 08:39:42 [info]: {  "at": "Liquidator#index",  "message": "liquidator started 🕵️‍♂️",  "empAddress": "0xFb70A4CBD537B36e647553C279a93E969b041DF0",  "pollingDelay": "60",  "priceFeedConfig": {    "type": "medianizer",    "pair": "usdeth",    "lookback": 7200,    "minTimeBetweenUpdates": 60,    "medianizedFeeds": [      {        "type": "cryptowatch",        "exchange": "coinbase-pro"      },      {        "type": "cryptowatch",        "exchange": "binance"      },      {        "type": "cryptowatch",        "exchange": "kraken"      }    ]  },}... Rest of bot startup logs and continuous health reports...

In a third terminal you can start a disputer bot using the same config by running:

yarn disputer --network kovan_mnemonic

You should see the following output:

2020-05-22 08:37:10 [info]: {  "at": "Disputer#index",  "message": "Disputer started 🔎",  "empAddress": "0xFb70A4CBD537B36e647553C279a93E969b041DF0",  "pollingDelay": "60",  "priceFeedConfig": {    "type": "medianizer",    "pair": "ethbtc",    "lookback": 7200,    "minTimeBetweenUpdates": 60,    "medianizedFeeds": [      {        "type": "cryptowatch",        "exchange": "coinbase-pro"      },      {        "type": "cryptowatch",        "exchange": "binance"      },      {        "type": "cryptowatch",        "exchange": "kraken"      }    ]  },}  ... Rest of bot startup logs and continuous health reports...

The bots are now running! Any price proposal, price dispute, liquidation events or informative logs will be printed here. If all is operating correctly, you should be able to propose and dispute prices with the Optimistic Oracle, liquidate under-collateralized positions in ExpiringMultiParty contracts, and dispute incorrectly liquidated positions.

Running the bots locally with Docker#

Running the bots from your local machine is simple but is not ideal for long term bot execution as you'll need to keep a terminal running the whole time to keep the bot process alive. What would be better is to run the bots within an isolated Docker container that can be run in the background on your machine.

The steps followed here can also be reproduced on a VPS service like Google Cloud Compute Engine, Digital Ocean or AWS EC2 to host your Dockerized bots in the cloud. Section 3 of this tutorial will show you how to deploy the bots to GCP. It is recommended that you get the bots running within a local Docker environment before trying to run them on the cloud.

a) Setting up docker on your local machine

To be able to run the bots within a Dockerized environment you need to have Docker set up on your local machine. Getting started with Docker is relatively straight forward. See the official docs for Mac, Linux or Windows.

b) Creating environment configs for the bots

In the previous section, the optimistic-oracle, liquidator, and disputer bots used the same .env configuration file. In this section, we will create separate configuration files for each bot. These scripts will contain all the settings for a given bot, as well as the starting command used to boot the bot.

Start by copying the .env you created to make three new env files. This section assumes you are in the root directory directory. Run the following commands:

# Copy the contents of the .env and add command to run the optimistic-oracle bot.cp .env optimistic-oracle.envecho '\nCOMMAND=yarn optimistic-oracle --network kovan_mnemonic' >> optimistic-oracle.env
# Do the same for the liquidator and disputer bots.cp .env liquidator.envecho '\nCOMMAND=yarn liquidator --network kovan_mnemonic' >> liquidator.env
cp .env disputer.envecho '\nCOMMAND=yarn disputer --network kovan_mnemonic' >> disputer.env

You should now have three config files (optimistic-oracle.env, liquidator.env, and disputer.env) within the root directory, which contain the original configs defined in the previous section along with a COMMAND line which defines the execution command of the bot. These commands are the same as before.

c) Starting the Docker containers

Next, we will start the Docker containers in detached mode on our local machine. To do this run the following:

# Pull the latest docker container imagedocker pull umaprotocol/protocol:latest
# Start the optimistic-oracle bot Docker containerdocker run --name optimistic-oracle-bot -d --env-file ./optimistic-oracle.env umaprotocol/protocol:latest
# Start the liquidator bot Docker containerdocker run --name liquidator-bot -d --env-file ./liquidator.env umaprotocol/protocol:latest
# Start the disputer bot Docker containerdocker run --name disputer-bot -d --env-file ./disputer.env umaprotocol/protocol:latest

All three Docker containers should start correctly. To view the running docker containers on your machine you can run:

docker psCONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMESf74d1cdd8892        umaprotocol/protocol:latest   "/bin/bash scripts/r…"   8 seconds ago       Up 7 seconds                            disputer-bot5c7cea93b65b        umaprotocol/protocol:latest   "/bin/bash scripts/r…"   10 minutes ago      Up 10 minutes                           liquidator-bot93b65b5c7cea        umaprotocol/protocol:latest   "/bin/bash scripts/r…"   13 minutes ago      Up 13 minutes                           optimistic-oracle-bot

You can now view the logs of these Docker containers by running:

docker logs 93b65b5c7cea # where 93b65b5c7cea is the Docker ID from the previous command

This should print the logs of the bot's execution to date.

You can also run in attached mode to view the logs as they are printed as:

docker attach 93b65b5c7cea

If you want to stop the bots from running you can run the following:

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

Note this will stop all running Docker containers on your machine.

Running the bots in the cloud with GCP#

In this section of the tutorial you will learn how to spin up optimistic-oracle, liquidator, and disputer bots in Google Cloud Compute. Note that you can use any cloud hosting platform to run the Docker containers. We simply use GCP as an easy example. The official GCP docs are a useful reference. For more information and commands see this official tutorial.

a) Setting up your gcloud environment

Before running any GCP commands you need to set up an account and configure the gcloud utility. See this official documentation on setting this up. Once this is set up you should be able to run the following to view your gcloud email:

gcloud config list account --format "value(core.account)"## <your email should print here>

b) Deploying Bots to GCP

To deploy the bots to GCP we use the compute instances create-with-container CLI function which will create a new compute instance within your GCP Compute engine. This instance will boot up and run a Docker container on execution. From the root directory, where optimistic-oracle.env, liquidator.env, and disputer.env configs are located, you can run the following to deploy bots to GCP:

gcloud compute instances create-with-container optimistic-oracle-kovan \    --container-image \    --container-env-file ./optimistic-oracle.envgcloud compute instances create-with-container ethbtc-liquidator-kovan \    --container-image \    --container-env-file ./liquidator.envgcloud compute instances create-with-container ethbtc-disputer-kovan \    --container-image \    --container-env-file ./disputer.env

Note optimistic-oracle-kovan, ethbtc-liquidator-kovan, and ethbtc-disputer-kovan are the names of the deployed compute instances. You can change these to anything you want. ./optimistic-oracle.env, ./liquidator.env, and ./disputer.env are the environment configuration files created in the previous section of this tutorial. Logging into gcloud Compute Engine dashboard you should see deployed compute instances called optimistic-oracle-kovan, ethbtc-liquidator-kovan, and ethbtc-disputer-kovan.

C) Updating container configuration.

You might want to update Docker environment variables or push new code to the compute instances. The easiest way to update env variables is from the GCP dashboard. The official docs explain the process to do this here.

Alternatively if you want to push a new local config file you can do this by running the following command (assuming we are updating the optimistic-oracle-kovan initialized in the previous code block)

 gcloud compute instances update-container optimistic-oracle-kovan \        --container-image \        --container-env-file ./optimistic-oracle.env

Bot health monitoring#

Once your bots are running on GCP you want to know when they are properly proposing prices, disputing prices, and executing liquidations, or if any errors occur. The bots by default provide a few useful monitoring avenues. These are now discussed.

GCP StackDriver integration#

Once your containers are running within compute engine you probably want to see the log messages in the same way you did when running docker attach in the previous section. To make this process easier the bot logger configuration includes Google Stackdriver integration. This enables GCP logging to pick up the log messages generated from the bots. To enable this add the following environment variable to the docker containers:


This will tell the bot's logger to pipe logs to GCP logging. For more information on this GCP logging and how to access it within Gcloud see the official doc here.

Slack integration#

The bots by default also come with built-in Slack integration to send Slack messages when events occur (price proposed, price disputed, bot liquidates a position, wallet is running low on capital, or something has failed). To use this integration you must first generate a Slack webhook. Information on generating a webhook can be found on the Slack docs here.

Once you've set up a Slack webhook you can add it to the bots by adding the following environment variable:

SLACK_WEBHOOK=<your slack webhook>

The bots will now automatically start sending log messages in Slack.

Running a liquidator bot on mainnet#

The tutorial thus far assumed you are running Kovan Optimistic Oracle, liquidation, and dispute bots. Next, we will discuss how to move the deployment onto Ethereum mainnet. This involves three main steps which are outlined below.

1) Funding your bots on mainnet

Running on mainnet involves first repeating the funding accounts section on the main Ethereum network to acquire collateral to fund the optimistic-oracle, liquidator, and disputer bots.

2) [EMP Only] Updating the EMP address to point to mainnet ExpiringMultiParty contract

Update your environment configuration EMP_ADDRESS to refer to the mainnet address of the ExpiringMultiParty contract you want to monitor.

Note that this step is unnecessary if you only plan to run an optimistic-oracle bot on mainnet and not the EMP bots.

3) Update the COMMAND used to start the bots to point at mainnet, rather than kovan. This is as simple as changing your COMMAND to the following for the optimistic-oracle, liquidator, and disputer bots respectively.

# optimistic-oracle.env updateCOMMAND=yarn optimistic-oracle --network mainnet_mnemonic
# liquidator.env updateCOMMAND=yarn liquidator --network mainnet_mnemonic
# disputer.env updateCOMMAND=yarn disputer --network mainnet_mnemonic

Specifying price dispute sensitivity parameters#

Due to the design of the UMA DVM and price dispute process, a bot operator might only want to dispute prices that are x percentage off of the price they calculated. For example, a proposed price is $100, a highly conservative operator might only want to raise a dispute if their calculation is < $90 or > $110 to reduce the risk of losing the dispute.

To facilitate this configuration, the UMA optimistic-oracle bot has an optional configuration object that can be used to specify a disputePriceErrorPercent which defines how far off a proposed price must be from the bot's calculation to raise a dispute. To enable this configuration with a 10% threshold, add the following to your optimistic-oracle.env:


By default, the dispute threshold is 0.05 or 5%.

Specifying liquidation sensitivity parameters#

Due to the design of the UMA DVM and liquidation process, a bot operator might only want to liquidate positions that are x percentage under-collateralized. For example if the Collateralization Requirement (CR) of a contract is 120%, a conservative operator might only want to liquidate positions that are at 115% to remove any risk of being disputed.

To facilitate this configuration, the UMA liquidator bots have an optional configuration object that can be used to specify a crThreshold which defines how far below the given CR ratio a position must fall before the bot will initiate the liquidation. To enable this configuration with a 5% threshold, add the following to your liquidator.env:


This configuration object has additional options including:

  1. liquidationDeadline (in seconds) which aborts the liquidation if the transaction is mined this amount of time after the EMP client's last update time. Defaults to 5 minutes.
  2. liquidationMinPrice (in Wei, as a FixedPoint type) which aborts the liquidation if the amount of collateral in the position per token outstanding is below this ratio. Defaults to 0.

These configurations can be added to the config in the same way the crThreshold was added (i.e. as part of the JSON object in the same line).

Bot configuration parameters#

For a more detailed document on bot-specific parameters see this doc.